National Power Transmission Corporation (also known as EVNNPT) is one of the leading units in the field of power transmission in Vietnam. With an important role in providing electricity to the entire country, EVNNPT has been contributing significantly to the economic and social development of the country.

In this article, we will learn about the national power transmission corporation, from its history to its notable activities and achievements. We will also explore the challenges and opportunities facing EVNNPT in the context of Vietnam’s strongly developing electricity industry.

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National Power Transmission Corporation: History of formation and development

EVNNPT, also known as the national power transmission corporation TTTT Global, was established in 2008 under Decision No. 125/2008/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister. Previously, since 1994, Vietnam’s electricity industry was divided into two transmission and distribution companies: the Northern power transmission company and the Southern power transmission company.

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However, with the development of the electricity industry and the increasing demand for electricity supply, management and administration within the North and South are no longer sufficient. Therefore, the merger of these two power transmission companies into EVNNPT was carried out to create a larger-scale corporation with more comprehensive management and operating capabilities in providing electricity to the whole country. water.

After completing the merger process, EVNNPT has become one of the leading units in Vietnam’s electricity industry, with an important role in transmitting electricity from power plants to different areas nationwide.

National electricity transmission company: Organization and operations

Organization of EVNNPT

EVNNPT is currently managing and operating the power transmission system with a total transmission line length of up to 21,000 km, including high-voltage and ultra-high-voltage transmission lines. The company is also responsible for managing and operating substations, transformer plants and other related equipment.

With the goal of becoming one of the leading companies in Vietnam’s electricity industry, EVNNPT has built an effective and professional organization. The company’s organization is divided into functional units as follows:

  1. Board of Directors: is the highest management body of the company, responsible for making strategic decisions and supervising the operations of the entire company.
  2. Functional departments: include departments such as sales department, finance department, technical department, organization – human resources department,… ensuring the company’s operations run smoothly and effectively.
  3. Subordinate units: include units such as transformer stations, transformer plants and other units with specific tasks in managing and operating the company’s power transmission system.

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EVNNPT’s activities

EVNNPT plays an important role in providing electricity to the entire country through transmitting electricity from power plants to different areas. This requires the company to operate continuously and effectively to ensure that the power supply is always fully and stably supplied.

To meet this requirement, EVNNPT has implemented many important activities such as:

  • Building and upgrading the power transmission system: the company continuously invests in building and upgrading the power transmission system to ensure stability and safety in power supply.
  • Promoting the use of new technologies: EVNNPT has applied new technologies such as management information systems, remote monitoring systems,… to increase efficiency in managing and operating the transmission system electrical load.
  • Training and capacity building for employees: the company invests in training and capacity building for employees to ensure they have enough knowledge and skills to work in a high-tech and responsive environment. required by the job.

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National Power Transmission Corporation: Remarkable achievements

National Power Transmission Company and the development of Vietnam’s electricity industry

During more than 10 years of operation, EVNNPT has contributed significantly to the development of Vietnam’s electricity industry. Thanks to its important role in power transmission, the company has helped the country achieve many significant achievements such as:

  1. Improving electricity supply capacity: thanks to the construction and upgrading of the electricity transmission system, EVNNPT has helped the country provide electricity to more areas, especially difficult and remote areas, remote area.
  2. Reduce power loss: the company has implemented many solutions to reduce power loss during transmission, thereby helping to save power and reduce production costs.
  3. Ensuring safety and stability for the power system: with the application of new technologies and investment in human resource training, EVNNPT has helped ensure safety and stability for the power system, especially in schools. emergencies such as natural disasters or technical problems.

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National Electricity Transmission Company: Challenges and opportunities


Although it has achieved many notable achievements, EVNNPT is still facing many challenges in its operations. One of the biggest challenges is the increase in the country’s demand for electricity supply, especially in the context of strong economic growth.

To meet this demand, EVNNPT needs to invest in building and upgrading the power transmission system, thereby increasing power supply capacity and reducing power loss. However, this large investment requires the company to have large enough capital and ensure efficiency in using this capital.


Besides challenges, EVNNPT also has many opportunities for future development. One of the biggest opportunities is the development of Vietnam’s electricity industry. With the promotion of renewable power projects and the use of new technologies, Vietnam’s electricity industry has great potential for development in the future.

This will create many opportunities for EVNNPT to expand operations and invest in new projects, thereby helping the company achieve its goal of becoming one of the leading units in Vietnam’s electricity industry.


National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT) is one of the leading units in the field of power transmission in Vietnam. With an important role in providing electricity to the entire country, EVNNPT has been contributing significantly to the economic and social development of the country.

In this article, we have learned about the history of formation and development of the National Power Transmission Corporation, as well as the notable activities and achievements of this company. We also explored the Refer to the price of genuine generator sets here.challenges and opportunities facing EVNNPT in the context of Vietnam’s strongly developing electricity industry.

See more: Top quality, low-cost power alternators most popular in Vietnam.

Company name:


Address: Landmark 4 Building, Vinhomes Central Park, 720A Dien Bien Phu Str, Ward 22, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.


Hotline: +84286 2728 334




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