Bac Lieu wind power is one of the largest wind power projects in Vietnam, which is assessed to have strong potential for development in the future. With a new and effective approach, Bac Lieu wind power is gradually asserting its role in replacing traditional energy sources that pollute the environment. In this article, we will learn about Bac Lieu wind power field, the operation process of Bac Lieu wind power plant, advantages and challenges in developing the wind power industry in this locality.

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Introduction to Bac Lieu Wind Power

Điện gió Bạc Liêu

Bac Lieu wind power TTTT Global is the largest wind power field in the Southwest region of Vietnam, located on Van Phong lagoon in Bac Lieu province. This area was chosen as the location for the wind power plant development because of its many favorable features such as: windy weather, large area and no impact on residential areas.

Bac Lieu wind power field currently has a total area of ​​over 10,000 hectares, built and managed by Bac Lieu wind power Development Investment Joint Stock Company – a joint venture between the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Bac Lieu wind power development investment company limited. Bac Lieu wind power plant has an installed capacity of 99MW, distributed to EVN to supplement the national power source. This is the first and only wind power project in Vietnam using the leading wind power production technology of the Netherlands.

Location of Bac Lieu Wind Power Field

Bac Lieu Wind Power Field is located in Van Phong Lagoon, Vinh Trach Dong Commune, Hoa Binh District, Bac Lieu Province. This location was chosen as the location for the wind power plant development because of its favorable terrain and weather conditions.

Van Phong Lagoon is a large sea area, surrounded by land and has no nearby residential areas, so it does not affect people’s lives. In addition, the location of Bac Lieu Wind Power Field is also in an area with strong and stable winds, ensuring the performance of the wind power plant.

See more: Genuine permanent magnet generator.

Operation process of Bac Lieu wind power plant

Bac Lieu wind power

Installation of wind power field poles

The operation process of Bac Lieu wind power plant begins with the installation of wind power field poles. These poles are made of stainless steel and are about 100m high. Once the poles are installed upright, workers proceed to install the components of the wind power field such as blades, motor systems and transformers.

Generating electricity from wind

When the wind blows into the wind power field, the blades will rotate and create kinetic energy to operate the motor. The motor will drive the transformer and generate electricity that is sent to the transmission line. The speed reducer and moving parts of the wind power field are important factors to increase operating efficiency and ensure safety.

System management and maintenance

Bac Lieu wind power plant has a professional management and maintenance system to ensure continuous and stable operation of the wind power field. Engineers and workers will regularly inspect and maintain wind farm components, especially during times of strong winds or storms.

Challenges in developing wind power in Bac Lieu

High initial investment costs

Although wind power is considered a cheaper source of energy, the initial investment costs for building a wind farm are very high. This requires businesses to invest about 1 billion USD for each MW of wind power output.

Requires large area

A wind farm can cover an area of ​​tens of hectares, so finding a suitable area for construction is a big challenge. In Bac Lieu, despite the support of local authorities, attracting investment and finding land to build wind farms still face many difficulties.

Lower efficiency when there is no wind

Since wind is the only factor to generate energy for a wind farm, when there is no wind or the wind is not strong enough, the operating efficiency of the field will decrease. This requires engineers and experts to have backup plans to ensure the field always operates efficiently and without interruption.

Uses and benefits of Bac Lieu wind farm

Điện gió Bạc Liêu

Providing electricity for people

Bac Lieu wind farm has been providing sustainable electricity for thousands of households in the Southwest region. Wind power output from this field is transmitted through a modern power transmission line system and distributed to areas in need of electricity.

Improving the quality of life for local people

In addition to providing electricity, Bac Lieu wind farm also ensures the care and protection of the environment around the area. In addition, the wind power plant also creates many jobs for local people, contributing to improving the quality of life and income of the people.

Supporting local economic development

Bac Lieu wind farm not only has a positive impact on the lives of local people but also contributes to the economic development of the locality. The wind power plant creates many direct and indirect jobs for the people, and also supports local businesses in providing services and equipment for the field.

See more: 1KW wind generator for sale.

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